Time and Billing Software
For Accountants

Get paid for all your work using Mango's efficient time and billing software tools.

Time and Billing Software For Accountants

Powerful Time and Billing Tools

Do your CPAs still rely on handwritten documents, filing cabinets, and Excel spreadsheets to handle time and billing? Mango’s robust time and billing tools can help your firm save time, invoice customers more accurately, streamline workflows, and make more profitable decisions for the future.

We enable business owners to make the most out of every minute in their workday.

Mango Practice Management is a web-based time and billing software application. Mango handles essential functions like:

  • Time and expense tracking
  • Invoicing & reporting
  • Client portals
  • E-payments
  • Firm-wide scheduling
  • Due date management
  • Document management
  • Secure file sharing.


Ditch your filing cabinet, Excel spreadsheets, and crumpled receipts for time and billing software so you can find what you need in a snap. Run faster and more efficiently with powerful accounting software tools for invoice creation in our cloud-based accounting program, including customizable invoice templates, batch invoicing, automated recurring invoicing, and more.



Accepting electronic payments can shorten the time it takes your firm to get paid, lower your AR, and reduce the need for collections activities. Mango lets clients pay their bills through a secure client portal in only a few clicks.

Time Tracking

Time Tracking

Whether you bill hourly or by project, tracking time is critical to understanding the profitability of your work. Mango’s time tracking software tools help you capture all time spent on both billable and non-billable tasks, so you can set profitable rates and maximize your billable hours. 

Time and Billing Tools for Growing Your Firm


Time & Expense Tracking

Mango’s time and billing software for accountants allows your CPAs to track time spent both in and out of the office from any device with mobile apps. Employ smart time and expense trackers to get accurate data for client billing and resource management—so you can easily manage finances and track billable hours while focusing on your work, not the clock!

Billing & Invoicing

Create separate timers for each type of work you do—even for the same client—whether you’re tracking billable time or value billing. Then automatically create, edit, and send batch invoices for clients from a single screen in our time billing software. Send people recurring invoices so that they always pay on time.

Online Payments

Reduce AR and improve your clients’ experience by accepting electronic payments of all types in time and billing software. Mango’s “Click and Pay” feature helps your clients to make easy payments while you reduce your processing fees. No more fraud or security issues that come from third-party payment processors.

Robust Reporting

Run your business using precise, real-time data from your accounting software. When your time, billing, payments, cash flow management, and due date management are all on the same platform, you can supercharge your financial reporting with deeper insights so your firm stays profitable.

Accounting Features to Streamline and Modernize Your Firm


A Time Tracker for Anywhere

Mango’s time-tracking software ensures that you and your team can always create and update time entries in real time. No matter what device you’re on or where you’re working, you can run a timer to track work hours in our time-tracking app.

Run Multiple Timers

Have several different tasks to manage in the same project? You can create separate timers for each type of work you do, even for the same client, and use Mango’s time and billing software to track time for each task. Switch seamlessly between timers without losing time in between.

Batch Time Entry

Use a spreadsheet-like interface to easily add multiple new records at the same time. Ideal for repetitive client work and time tracking for day-to-day tasks.

Project Budgeting

Get greater accountability and insight to create better estimates by comparing budgeted time to the actual time spent on a task or project. Review profitability and track progress by team member, project, or client in your project management dashboard.


Sort your time records by various options, including client, activity, or time tracker to help analyze past performance, assess employee productivity, track project profits, and plan for the future.

Whether you bill by the hour or by the project, time is money.

If your employees don’t track their time, you aren’t keeping track of your profits.

With Mango’s time and billing software, accountants can track their time efficiently and accurately. With key features that let you generate invoices, stay on top of time allocation, and push out status updates to clients, Mango eliminates the frustrations that often accompany time tracking and creating invoices for accountants.

Our accounting clients can say goodbye to spreadsheets, sticky notes, and crumpled receipts—just use time tracking software and start a timer on your phone, tablet, or desktop, to get an accurate time log that can be instantly converted into a professional invoice your clients can pay online.

Timers to Make Billing and Business Easy

Quickly Capture Time

Mango offers everything your CPAs need to implement better time tracking—all within an easy-to-use interface that’s built by accountants, for accountants. Start and stop as many timers as you need. Easily pause and edit time entries if needed. Once time tracking is done, convert the timer to a time record to be processed for invoicing and accounting.

Start and Stop Timers from Anywhere

No matter how or where you access Mango, our cloud-based time and billing software allows you to easily track time. There’s no need to miss a day of recording because you’re working in a different location or on a different device.

Turn Appointments into Dollars

Bill for your time promptly and professionally: with Mango’s time and billing tools, set timers to automatically convert meeting records into branded invoices.

Use Multiple Timers for Different Tasks and Billing Rates

Use different timers throughout the day to separate types of tasks. No more confusion over how much time is spent on administrative tasks and how much is spent on client work.

Timers to Make Billing and Business Easy
Pop-Up Time Entry

Pop-Up Time Entry

Add Time from Anywhere

Working outside the office for the day or taking care of some work at a client’s office? Don’t stress about getting behind on your timekeeping. Our online time-tracking software allows you to start and stop timers from any device. Tackle expense management from anywhere with our mobile apps to stay on top of overhead costs.

Streamline Employee Training

Your employees don’t want to spend hours learning a new system for their timesheets, and they shouldn’t have to. Mango’s pop-up time entry dialogs are intuitive and simple, which lets your team focus more of their attention on billable hours—so they spend less of their day on tedious manual timekeeping with free time tracking software.

Time Entry Shortcuts

Mango allows shortcuts to be used in the Work Description or as a Private Memo to speed up data entry. Create the shortcut and give it a description, then pick it from the drop-down list to paste it in as a time entry.

Save time & invoice your customers efficiently

Project Budgeting

Better Accountability with Enhanced Time Tracking

Manage projects more efficiently by tracking time in multiple tasks. Even if you’re not billing hourly, comparing actual time to budgeted time streamlines internal processes and allocates resources for future work.

Email Alerts and Notifications with 8 Customized Triggers

Know when a project is going off track and give your team the insight they need with email alerts and notifications from time and billing software.

Spot Profitable (and Unprofitable) Clients

Not all revenue is good revenue. Upgrade your client management using Mango’s time budgeting and sophisticated reporting modules to help you spot the best clients and know exactly which clients are not as profitable (and by how much).

Easily See Your Most Efficient (and Inefficient) Staff

It’s not always easy to see if your staff is performing according to plan. With Mango’s time budgeting and reporting modules, you can spot the most efficient team members, learn what they’re doing differently, and use that insight to improve project management for the entire team.

Project Budgeting

Smarter Reporting

Limit Access to Personal Use

Security settings let you prevent staff from viewing sensitive client information and billing rates. Accounting business owners can rest easy knowing their client’s sensitive information is protected

Create Default Client Billing Rate Templates

Administrators can create default rate templates with varying settings for certain users, clients, client groups, and work codes. This enforces your firm’s billing policies, speeds up the billing process, and ensures accuracy during invoice creation for clients.

Assess Team Productivity

Allows administrators to view and print reports, which compare budgeted hours to actual hours entered. This enables you to identify inefficiencies, track expenses, and improve your firm’s overall productivity. The easy-to-read grid displays total hours by day for all staff members over a select period, as well as dollar production totals at standard rates.

But That’s Not All…

  • Report write-up/write-down by client, activity, or employee for analytics.
  • Report profit summary by engagement type.
  • Multiple options on reporting from both A/R tracking and billed amounts by client, group, staff, etc.
  • Generate statements with a summary of outstanding invoices.
  • Easily segregate charges by engagement type.

Choose between a narrative or detail invoice format, depending on your client’s preferences.



Manual Invoicing

Easily generate and customize individual invoices with Mango. Our time and billing software allows you to edit line items one at a time for a single invoice and show your clients exactly what you want them to see. Use multiple billing rates to cater to every client’s needs while remaining profitable.

Batch Invoicing

Invoice creation has never been easier with Mango’s batch invoicing functionality. Generate, edit, and send multiple invoices at the same time to save hours each month.

Recurring Invoicing

Mango Practice also offers effortless recurring billing. Set your regular billing on autopilot by automatically generating and sending recurring invoices from customizable invoice templates.

Retainer Invoicing

Generate a payment request without affecting the client’s AR. Allow clients to make a payment upfront for time.

Plus, you can:

  • Quickly and easily generate repetitive fixed fee invoices with or without time entries.
  • Show previous balance information and total amount due on invoices.
  • Email or mail printed invoices to the client.
Online Payment Processing

Online Payment Processing


Accept Everything, Securely

Make the switch to online invoicing and digital payments in time and billing software without risking clients’ personal and credit card information. Mango allows you to stop waiting for checks in the mail—instead, you can easily accept ACH/Electronic Checks and Credit Card payments. And with 256-bit encryption, your transactions and client information are secure.

Click and Pay

With Mango’s “click and pay” feature, your clients don’t have to remember an ID and provide a password to make a payment. It’s all done in just a few clicks.

Reduce Expenses

Save money by cutting your credit card processing fees or passing them on to your clients with our surcharging feature. Our rates are 2.99% and $0.29 per transaction, and ACH transactions are 1% (up to $10 max).

Get Paid Faster

With our super-fast processing, you’ll be able to access your funds within 24-48 hours.

Software Integrations

One of the biggest pain points of modern accounting is integrating several different software tools to function together in your company’s workflow.

If you don’t use a time and billing software for accountants that integrates with your other software tools, you lose time manually importing data from one program over to another. This process leads to frustration and decreased productivity among your team.

Mango easily integrates with QuickBooks and their popular accounting software applications, so you can quickly carry over all your existing client data and get started right away using the accounting features you love. Even if you have years of records archived, Mango can help you take full advantage of our QuickBooks accounting program integration. Our data conversion tool can easily import information from QuickBooks Desktop, QuickBooks Online, Outlook and Google.

Plus, Mango allows you to import invoices and payments from a variety of the most popular tax software tools for accounting professionals, including Lacerte, UltraTax, ProSeries, Drake and ATX series programs.

Software Integrations

The Last Word on Time and Billing Software for Accounting Professionals

As an accounting firm, time is one thing you can’t afford to waste or lose track of.

The time you spend rendering services for clients is the lifeblood of your business. Yet too many accounting firms and their team members spend precious hours tinkering with time reports, porting numbers from one place to another, or finishing repetitive data entry required for client billing. This problem may not seem critical in the short term, but over time it can cost your business serious money in the form of lost revenue and productivity.

That’s why it’s so important to have the right time and billing software for accountants at your side. Mango’s robust suite of time tracking and billing tools is here to take some of the administrative load off your plate for an all-in-one accounting solution.

Instead of stressing about how your team is managing their weekly time card or manually starting invoice creation, let Mango's powerful accounting firm time and billing software automate these accounting processes for you. With our comprehensive billing, invoicing software, and time entry tools, you can ensure your team is focused on their work, not the clock, and that you’re maximizing every hour of the limited time you have available for clients.

Common Questions About Time and Billing Software for Accounting Firms

Yes, with Mango’s Time and Billing System for accounting firms, any number of pre-formatted billing explanations can be saved and quickly recalled for use on the current bill, which streamlines your billing systems and saves you time.

Yes, custom bill explanations are available in the Detail Slip Bills and Super Bill sections.

Yes. Our time and billing software for accountants allows you to run invoiced and production-based realization reports by client, staff, or work code for any date range with entries associated with that project. These financial reports help you understand which clients and staff members are profitable.

If a credit card is required for payment, your client can pay by clicking a link in the email that includes a PDF attachment with their latest bill. Those payments are then imported into ImagineTime and automatically applied to the correct client.

There is also a quick credit card payment processing feature directly on the payment entry screen within Mango’s billing software. This feature includes a payment receipt emailed to the client.

Yes! Small accounting firms and business owners wear many hats, so they need software that assists them with the duties that come alongside accounting. Whether you’re a one-person bookkeeping firm or have hundreds of employees worldwide, Mango’s time and billing software is designed to empower every element of time management, client management, and project management.

Beyond serving small accounting firms, Mango also offers practice management software for bookkeepers, time and billing software for consultants, and accounting practice management solutions for firms of any size.

While many software companies offer generic, one-size-fits-all time and billing solutions, Mango is specifically designed by accountants for accountants. That means every one of our time and billing tools is fine-tuned for the needs of modern accounting firms and their workflows, from small business owners to massive tax and accounting firms.

Mango also goes far beyond simply helping accounting firms track time and send invoices. In addition to robust time tracking and flexible invoicing tools, Mango offers business solutions including:

  • Secure file sharing and eSignature functionalities
  • Accounting portal software for client communication
  • Project management features
  • Document management tools
  • In-depth reporting and analytics
  • Workflow automation

Plus, popular accounting programs integrate with Mango, so you don’t have to give up the software you love. And with everything you need in one place, Mango lowers your overall software costs.

Ultimately, this is in service of our larger goal: helping accounting firms maximize their time and run the most successful and profitable firm possible. You could try using free accounts payable software, but those generic solutions don’t cater specifically to accountants, and you’ll end up losing more money trying to jury-rig the software to fit your needs.

And because we really do care about making accountants’ lives easier, our software support team is always there to help you get the most out of our software —at no additional charge. You can even try a free version of Mango for 14 days before paying to see if we're right for your firm.

Mango’s project management tools for accountants provide a suite of robust tools specifically designed for accounting professionals, no matter if they’re operating out of a small office or a larger firm.

From automatic time-tracking tools and task management solutions that allow your team to effectively track time to billing solutions that enable you to generate invoices and bill clients with the push of a button, we’ve got the tools you need.

Key features of Mango’s accounting software for accountants include:

Project management

Mango’s tasks management tools are a game changer for accounting project management.

Unlike industry-agnostic software solutions that might offer a free version of their software or paid plans with limited project management tools, our software provides you with the ability to:

  • Track time effectively to ensure your team is aware of the time spent on each task, allowing you to dial in your processes and make the most of your billable hours to avoid using resources unnecessarily.
  • Streamline your task management by receiving email notifications about tasks that are in progress, need follow-up, or are complete. This way, you’re never waiting to hear about project progress.
  • Save time with project templates that allow you to duplicate templates, attach notes, and take the headache out of creating a new task from scratch.
  • Use accurate tracking to view how employee time is spent so that you can see who’s hitting their deadlines and who needs help getting across the finish line.
  • Make things easy for hybrid or remote employees by allowing them to track hours online and offline with an app that doesn’t require an internet connection for functionality.

Our project management tools also help lower project costs by reducing the amount of work needed to create tasks, follow up with team members, and manually create workflows.

Document management

One of our most powerful key features is a comprehensive document management system that allows users to store, organize, and access all types of documents from one centralized location.

With version control and easy-to-use search capabilities, finding and managing client files, project documentation, and internal documents is a snap. Mango’s data management solution ensures you’ll always have the right information at your fingertips.

Time and billing

Mango’s time tracking and billing features provide accounting firms with a solution to accurately track time, capture billable hours, and manage client invoicing.

With intuitive time-tracking tools integrated directly into the software, accounting professionals can track time spent on all tasks, projects, and client engagements. Our software also allows for flexible customization of billing rates and invoicing templates, ensuring that invoices are tailored to each client's specific needs and preferences.

When you use our time tracking and billing software, you can improve billing accuracy, enhance client satisfaction, and establish efficient workflows, which can help your accounting firm scale like never before.

Secure file sharing

For firms that are security conscious, making the switch to Mango is a no-brainer.

We prioritize security with secure file-sharing capabilities and bank-grade encryption to ensure that sensitive client information remains secure while allowing team members and clients to share and collaborate.

Electronic signatures

If you’re tired of chasing down clients to sign on the dotted line so you can get the job done, it’s time to look at eSignatures.

Mango provides electronic signatures that make it a breeze to get any document signed by your clients from anywhere at any time. Say goodbye to wasting billable hours trying to wrangle signatures from clients.

Client collaboration

Making sure things are convenient for your clients can encourage repeat business and referrals. Mango provides you with secure client portals where clients can access their documents, share files, and communicate with your team, all with the click of a button.

The bottom line is that your clients won’t need to worry about how their project is progressing because they can find the details every time they log in.


Mango simplifies the payment process by allowing firms to accept payments online directly through our software. Our integration with payment processors enables your firm to accept credit cards, ACH payments, and other payment methods, allowing you to get paid faster and more consistently.

Reporting and analytics

Mango’s robust reporting and analytics tools provide valuable insights into firm performance and project progress, financial data, and more. Our customizable reports allow you to drill into the details to monitor performance and make data-driven decisions to keep you moving in the right direction.

With our powerful reporting features, you can:

  • Generate productivity reports
  • Create reports on cash flow
  • Get real-time reports on project progress
  • Gain valuable insights into costs and project budgets

We integrate with the tools that matter to your business

See How Mango Tops its Competitors