How to Offer Online Payments at Your Accounting Practice

Tim Sines

How to Offer Online Payments at Your Accounting Practice

If you’re running an accounting practice, you’ve probably asked yourself: “How can I make the payment process easier for both my clients and my team?” The answer might be simpler than you think. You can offer online payments directly through your client portal with no extra software needed. Let’s discuss how to incorporate online payment software into your accounting practice.

What is Online Payments Software?

Managing payments in an accounting practice can often feel like a juggling act. You’re balancing various needs. You’re working to secure prompt payments and maintain client contentment, all while smoothly managing the overall operations of your business. This is why online payments software, such as Mango Payments, is crucial.

Discover how upgrading to a system with online payments can streamline your financial transactions, enhance client satisfaction, and modernize your accounting practice. Share on X

What is Mango Payments?

If you’re looking for an easy way to handle online payments in your accounting firm, Mango Payments is worth a look. It’s part of our Mango Practice Management Software and it’s built just for your firm’s accounting needs.

Mango Payments is a tool that lets you and your clients handle payments online. You can use it for credit card or automated clearing house (ACH) payments that come directly from a bank account. Our tool makes it easy to accept online payments and it will fit right into the way you work.

Here’s a quick list of how Mango Payments can benefit your firm:

  • Accept Multiple Types of Payment – Whether your client is paying with credit, debit, or a bank transfer, Mango Payments can handle it.
  • Convenient for Making Payments – Your clients can pay their bills right from their smartphones.
    Faster Payments – Because making payments is easy for your clients to do, they’re more likely to pay on time. And this means that you’ll get your payments faster.
  • Quick Access to Money – The money shows up in your account fast, usually within a day or two. This will keep your cash flow healthy.
  • Works with Your Accounting Software – Mango Payments integrates well with most accounting software, such as QuickBooks. This means less manual work for you and fewer chances for mistakes.
  • Saves Time – With everything automated, you spend less time managing payments and more time on important stuff.
  • Clients Love It – Because making online payments through Mango Payments is easy and secure, your clients will have a satisfactory experience with your firm.
  • Keeps Your Cash Flowing – Fast payments mean more predictable money coming in. This is always good for business.
  • Eliminate the Excuses – We’ve all heard the “My check is in the mail” excuse. You open the door for instant electronic transactions when you offer online payments.

What is Mango Payments?

Why Pick Mango Payments?

What makes Mango Payments stand out is how it focuses on making everything easy and secure, both for you and your clients. In short, Mango Payments is a straightforward, secure way to handle online payments in your accounting firm. It saves time, keeps clients happy, and helps your cash flow.

Check out a free demo to see Mango Payments in action now.

How to Educate Your Accounting Clients on Online Payments

Moving to online payments is a big step for any accounting firm, and it’s important to get your clients on board with the plan. You’ll do that by creating an easy-to-understand guide to explain how your online payments portal works. You can then share these guides as part of welcome packages. Here’s how to explain online payments to your clients in a guide:

Speak Directly to Your Clients

The first step is to tailor your guide to speak directly to your clients. It’s important to avoid technical jargon and instead use clear, straightforward language that all clients can understand. Be sure to recognize the diversity in your client base and customize the content accordingly to ensure that everyone finds the guide approachable and useful.

Highlight Key Benefits

When writing your guide, be sure to highlight the key benefits of using online payments. Explain how this method can save time, reduce hassle in handling payments, and enhance overall security. Clients are more inclined to try a new system when they clearly understand how it benefits them directly. Emphasizing these advantages can help clients see how your portal truly is convenient.

Provide Step-By-Step Instructions

Provide clear, step-by-step instructions on how to set up and use the online payment system. Including screenshots or diagrams can offer visual guidance. This makes the instructions easier to follow. A well-structured, sequential approach can demystify the process and make clients feel comfortable and secure when they attempt to make a payment.

If you want extra credit, you can include examples that demonstrate how online payments have benefited similar clients. Personal stories and real-world scenarios can make the guide more relatable and persuasive because it allows your clients to see the practical applications and successes of the system.

Keep It Safe and Simple

When talking about safety, it’s key to reassure your clients. Let them know the online payment system is safe to use. Explain the security features in a way that’s easy to understand. You want your clients to feel confident that their transactions are protected without overwhelming them with technical details.

Make It Look Good

A guide that’s easy to look at makes a big difference. Use bullet points and colorful images to break up the text. This makes the guide more inviting and easier to follow.

Make It Look Good

Answer Their Questions

Put yourself in your client’s shoes and think about the payment process from their perspective. Have a part of your website dedicated to answering common questions about online payments. Create a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section in your guide that covers everything from how to set up a payment to what to do if they have a problem. This can be a go-to place for clients who need information or help.

Get It Out There

Share your guide in as many ways as you can. Hand it out during your one-on-one client meetings, include it in packages for new clients, and make sure it’s easy to find on your website. You can also email it out. The more ways you share the guide, the more clients will get the information.

Also, don’t overlook your social media accounts. Social media is great for quick tips and how-to videos. A short tutorial video or a quick post showing your payment system can do a lot to explain and promote online payments.

By taking these steps, you will build a whole environment that supports your clients in moving to online payments. This approach can help them understand and feel comfortable with the new system.

Final Thoughts

As we wrap up our discussion, it’s clear that incorporating an online payments software like Mango Payments is a big win for your accounting firm.

First off, you’ll see your accounts receivable drop. This means you get paid faster and have more cash on hand. It’s great for keeping your business running smoothly. Clients also get a better deal. They find it super easy and quick to pay their bills, even from their smartphones. This makes them happier and more likely to stick with your services.

With this system, you can predict your cash flow better. You’ll know more clearly when and how much money is coming in, which is a big help for planning your finances. And, having more cash available means you have more to invest in growing your business or handling day-to-day expenses more comfortably.

In short, switching to online payments isn’t just about making billing easier. It’s about making your whole business run better—from improving cash flow to keeping clients happy and planning for the future. It’s a smart move for any accounting firm.

Are you ready to see how Mango Payments can improve your accounting firm? Sign up for a free demo now.