ImagineShare Client Portal


Happy Fourth Anniversary! Celebrating the Release of Mango’s ImagineShare Client Portal & eSignature Module

Happy Fourth Anniversary! Celebrating the Release of Mango’s ImagineShare Client Portal & eSignature Module

At Mango, we enjoy a good celebration-and we can't think of a better reason to celebrate than the ...
How Switching to the Cloud Can Benefit Your Firm

How Switching to the Cloud Can Benefit Your Firm

The shift to cloud computing in the accounting industry is well underway. In a recent survey by the ...
Top Sign a Client Needs Help CPA Client Management Blog

Top Sign a Client Needs Help | CPA Client Management Blog

Financial problems are embarrassing. Most people don’t want to talk about them—not even to those who most need ...
Here's Why You Need an Accounting Client Portal

The CCPA is Now in Effect. Here’s Why You Need an Accounting Client Portal More Than Ever. 

Back in August, we wrote about the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and how it will likely spark ...
2020 Is Here, and We Have Formally Released Our ImagineShare Client

2020 Is Here, and We Have Formally Released Our ImagineShare Client Portal & eSignature Module

2020 is here, and tax season is right around the corner. To help you make this your best ...
Top Business Tasks You Can Automate with Due Date Monitoring Software

Top Business Tasks You Can Automate with Due Date Monitoring Software

Between tracking time for billing purposes, checking the calendar for upcoming deadlines, and chasing clients with due date ...
ImagineShare Receives 5 Star Rating From CPA Practice Advisor

ImagineShare Receives 5 Star Rating From CPA Practice Advisor

Mango is pleased to announce that our client portal software for accountants, Mango, has received a five-star rating ...
Top Ways CPA File Sharing Software Improves Your Firm's Communication

Top Ways CPA File Sharing Software Improves Your Firm’s Communication

In days of yore, “collaboration” meant gathering the staff and/or clients into a conference room. But today’s document ...
3 Tips to Remember When Your Firm is Switching to a Secure Client Portal

3 Tips to Remember When Your Firm is Switching to a Secure Client Portal for CPAs

The ability to conduct business from any corner of the planet makes secure file sharing not just a ...
Debunking the Top 4 Myths About Cloud Storage Software for CPAs

Debunking the Top 4 Myths About Cloud Storage Software for CPAs

With so much chatter about safe data storage in the news today, you may find yourself with a ...
The Biggest US Data Breach Penalties of 2019 Mango Secure Client Portal Software

The Biggest US Data Breach Penalties of 2019 | Mango Secure Client Portal Software

Sizable fines assessed for data breaches in 2019 suggest that regulators are getting more serious about organizations that ...